Time better spent – 5.1% ABV
An American style IPA with medium bitterness up front followed by massive hits of peach, passion fruit and mango, both in flavour and aroma. Brewed with 1KG of hops per hectolitre for a full flavoured IPA. Pours pale yellow, 330ml.
Cell Count 4.5% ABV
A dark golden ale that starts off with a bitter kick which is quickly followed by floral, citrus notes and a smooth finish. Characterised by floral, fruitiness with piney, resinous American-variety hop character. The beer features a medium to medium-high hop bitterness, flavour and aroma, 330ml.
False Economy 4.8%
An unfiltered European style pilsner, full flavoured, mildly sweet and fruit. Pours straw yellow, 330ml.
Jobsworth 3.5% ABV
A single-hop session beer to showcase different hop varieties, 330ml.